1 an unpleasantly dirty or messy substance.
2 nonsense; rubbish.
a. a deposit or coating of refuse or of an impure or alien substance; muck.
b. a filthy, repulsive, or contemptible person.
c. something that is worthless, objectionable, or contemptible.
d. prevarication, exaggeration, or flattery.
e. a non specific, imaginary, or vaguely defined disease or disorder of the body: jungle crud.
f. any unpleasant external ailment, disorder, or the like, as a skin rash.
g. venereal disease, especially syphilis.
h. Vulgar. dried semen.
Crud left flying in the wind
To attach itself to grass or trees.
Decomposing words
Literary compost.
It is a shame when we disgrace nature by depositing our (crud) in her yards.
What an idea!
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