Wednesday, 28 August 2013



1.a long tube of metal, plastic, etc., used to convey water, oil, gas, etc.
2. a long tube or case
3. an object made in any of various shapes and sizes, consisting of a small bowl with an attached tubular stem, in which tobacco or other substances are smoked
4. Also called “pipeful” . the amount of tobacco that fills the bowl of a pipe
5. (zoology,botany) .any of various hollow organs, such as the respiratory passage of certain animals
6. any musical instrument whose sound production results from the vibration of an air column in a simple tube
7. any of the tubular devices on an organ, in which air is made to vibrate either directly, as in a flue pipe, or by means of a reed
8. an obsolete three-holed wind instrument, held in the left hand while played and accompanied by the tabor.
9. Also called “the pipes” . Bagpipes
10. a shrill voice or sound, as of a bird
11. a boatswain's pipe
12. the sound it makes
13. plural (informal) . the respiratory tract or vocal cords
14. (metallurgy) . a conical hole in the head of an ingot, made by escaping gas as the metal cools
15. a cylindrical vein of rich ore, such as one of the vertical diamond-bearing veins at Kimberley, South Africa
16. Also called “volcanic pipe” . a vertical cylindrical passage in a volcano through which molten lava is forced during eruption
17. (US,slang) . something easy to do, especially a simple course in college
18. to play (music) on a pipe
19. (trans.) . to summon or lead by a pipe
20. to utter (something) shrilly
21. to signal orders to (the crew) by a boatswain's pipe
22. (trans.) . to signal the arrival or departure of
23. (trans.) . to convey (water, gas, etc.) by a pipe or pipes
24. (trans.) . to provide with pipes
25. (trans.) . to trim (an article, esp of clothing) with piping
26. (trans.) . to force (cream, icing, etc.) through a shaped nozzle to decorate food

Despite a soft breeze pipping in
One could argue this is not a pipe

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