1. Cookery .
a. a boneless cut or slice of meat or fish, especially the beef tenderloin.
b. a piece of veal or other meat boned, rolled, and tied for roasting.
2. a narrow band of ribbon or the like worn around the head, usually as an ornament; headband.
3. any narrow strip, as wood or metal.
4. a strip of any material used for binding.
5. Bookbinding .
a. a decorative line impressed on a book cover, usually at the top and bottom of the back.
b. a rolling tool for impressing such lines.
6. Architecture .
a. Also called list. a narrow flat moulding or area, raised or sunk between larger mouldings or areas.
b. a narrow portion of the surface of a column left between adjoining flutes.
7. Anatomy . lemniscus.
8. a raised rim or ridge, as a ring on the muzzle of a gun.
9. Metallurgy . a concave strip forming a rounded interior angle in a foundry pattern.
–verb (used with object)
10.Cookery .
a. to cut or prepare (meat or fish) as a fillet.
b. to cut fillets from. bind or adorn with or as if with a fillet.
12.Machinery . to round off (an interior angle) with a fillet.
Waiting to be filleted
Poor bass sings the blues
21st January 2025
19 hours ago
I hope this is going to be followed up by real food pictures and a recipe.
But it was, Martha! This was taken during the Fish and Chips course I have blogged about here.
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