-ntr. verb.
1. To waste time; trifle.
2. To talk nonsense.
Nonsense; foolishness.
Twitter faces, Twitter faces
Why do you footle so?
My prose can’t be that fascinating
Why can’t you just let go?
Should I declare myself charmed
By the attention, the following
When I truly suspect other motives
Behind your cloned proffered fascination?
Twitter faces, Twitter faces
Why do you footle so?
My prose can’t be that fascinating
Why can’t you just let go?
I think I’d better let you know:
While I am sure you could be human
Maybe, perhaps, and not really a spambot
Don’t ever expect me to follow.
Twitter faces, Twitter faces
Why do you footle so?
My prose can’t be that fascinating
Why can’t you just let go?
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