Sunday, 30 April 2017



a metric unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogram. It is equivalent to 15.432 grains or 0.002 205 pounds . Symbol: g

1. any of several leguminous plants, such as the beans Phaseolus mungo (black gram or urd) and P. aureus (green gram), whose seeds are used as food in India
2. the seed of any of these plants

(in India) a village

Several grams
Delicate cakes

Gram flour

Saturday, 29 April 2017



1. wanting to have one's own way regardless of the wishes or good of others
2. capricious, erratic, or unpredictable

She holds a special place
In my heart, like an echo
A cheeky wayward girl’s palace
Where all is permitted

And very little sanctioned

Friday, 28 April 2017



lacking firmness; soft and limp; flabby

A sudden cold
Turned petals
Into flaccid drooping pools
Ready to rot and fall
At the brush

Of the slightest wind

Thursday, 27 April 2017



1. a bloom or blossom on a plant
2. a plant that bears blooms or blossoms
3. the reproductive structure of angiosperm plants, consisting normally of stamens and carpels surrounded by petals and sepals all borne on the receptacle (one or more of these structures may be absent). In some plants it is conspicuous and brightly coloured and attracts insects or other animals for pollination
4. any similar reproductive structure in other plants
5. the prime; peak
6. the choice or finest product, part, or representative
7. a decoration or embellishment
8. (printing) . a type ornament, used with others in borders, chapter headings, etc.
9. an embellishment or ornamental symbol depicting a flower . Also called : fleuron
10. (plural) fine powder, usually produced by sublimation
11. (intr.) to produce flowers; bloom
12. (intr.) to reach full growth or maturity
13. (trans.) to deck or decorate with flowers or floral designs

Who was this to thee?
The light is still there
The shadow of fire
Over flowering snow

Wednesday, 26 April 2017



1. protected against a specific disease by inoculation or as the result of innate or acquired resistance
2. relating to or conferring immunity
3. (usually postpositive ; followed by “to”) . unsusceptible (to) or secure (against)
4. exempt from obligation, penalty, etc.
5. an immune person or animal

A paper doll
Wrapped in arguments
Immune to the steps of desire.
A dream of beauty

and strange words.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017



1. occurring or performed quickly and without warning
2. marked by haste; abrupt
3. (rare) rash; precipitate
4. (archaic) an abrupt occurrence or the occasion of such an occurrence (in the phrase on a sudden)
5. (mainly poetic) without warning; suddenly

Such sublime shock
Somehow so simple
When suggestive sun
Shorn from space
Sudden twilight
A sober strike

Monday, 24 April 2017



-plural noun (singular: graffito)
1. (sometimes with singular verb) . drawings, messages, etc., scribbled on walls, advertising posters, etc.
2. (archaeology) inscriptions or drawings scratched or carved onto a surface, especially rock or pottery
3. (intr.; often passive) . to be inscribed or defaced with graffiti
4. to inscribe or draw graffiti on (a wall, etc.)

Behold a graffiti of some adult hero
Without present, just a shining future
An impersonation of the spirit of mankind
Shimmering as much as the sun on the floor
Of that sea that never stopped being our world

Sunday, 23 April 2017



1. a hard brittle transparent or translucent non-crystalline solid, consisting of metal silicates or similar compounds. It is made from a fused mixture of oxides, such as lime, silicon dioxide, etc., and is used for making windows, mirrors, bottles, etc.
2. any compound that has solidified from a molten state into a non-crystalline form
3. something made of glass, especially a drinking vessel, a barometer, or a mirror
4. the amount contained in a drinking glass . Also called : glassful
5. glassware collectively
-verb (trans.)
6. to cover with, enclose in, or fit with glass
7. (informal) . to hit (someone) in the face with a glass or a bottle

Who should overspend the first day of the world?
Raising a toast of affectionate relief and strong terror
So strenuous our glass nearly shattered?
Hopes were dreamt of then

Yet promptly forgotten

Saturday, 22 April 2017



1. to display (possessions, oneself, etc.) ostentatiously; show off
2. to wave or cause to wave freely; flutter
3. the act of flaunting

The neighbour’s
Flaunting belly

Is a cuddle trap

Friday, 21 April 2017



-verb (intr.)
1. to dance to pop music
2. to make love
3. a session of dancing to pop music

A pattern of good manners
Drawing textures of explanations
Modern art boogie

Thursday, 20 April 2017



1. conclusive in a series or process; last; final
2. the highest or most significant
3. elemental, fundamental, basic, or essential
4. most extreme
5. final or total
6. the most significant, highest, furthest, or greatest thing

It was lonely and still
Ultimate shades of agony
Running away along
A desert street, a long dream.

Such is the measure of a mind,
And the strange bird may sink
In the consciousness of people:
One of the last love of the world is sunset.

No one has to be there.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017



1. the act of confessing
2. something confessed
3. an acknowledgment or declaration, especially of one's faults, misdeeds, or crimes
4. (Christianity , mainly Roman Catholic Church) . the act of a penitent accusing himself or herself of his or her sins
5. a religious denomination or sect united by a common system of beliefs

A blind confession of old
Grateful light that keeps time travel
Across the human soul and a sky

The ravished streets of the body

Tuesday, 18 April 2017



1. closely packed together; dense
2. neatly fitted into a restricted space
3. concise; brief
4. well-constructed; solid; firm
5. (followed by “of”) . composed or made up (of)
6. denoting a tabloid-sized version of a newspaper that has traditionally been published in broadsheet form
7. (logic) . (of a relation) having the property that for any pair of elements such that a is related to b, there is some element c such that a is related to c and c to b, as less than on the rational numbers
8. (US and Canadian) . (of a car) small and economical
-verb (trans.)
9. to pack or join closely together; compress; condense
10. (followed by “of”) to create or form by pressing together
11. (metallurgy) . to compress (a metal powder) to form a stable product suitable for sintering
12. a small flat case containing a mirror, face powder, etc., designed to be carried in a woman's handbag
13. (US and Canadian) . a comparatively small and economical car
14. (metallurgy) . a mass of metal prepared for sintering by cold-pressing a metal powder
15. a tabloid-sized version of a newspaper that has traditionally been published in broadsheet form

1. an official contract or agreement

She was an abstract blur,
A wall of compact green
With its fair stone slant
Her skin and the limbs of the sky
Lights in a colour of the stars
And the sun became white,
White and shallower

Beneath her carnivorous eyes.

Monday, 17 April 2017



a deliberate exaggeration used for effect

An adult portrait of a third boy
Translated by some subtle old man,
Heard by the sound of a bee,
The impression of steel and stars.

The world, sand on the body

Of a butterfly hyperbole.

Sunday, 16 April 2017



1. (British dialect , Australian and New Zealand) . a sheep up to the age of one year that has yet to be sheared
2. the meat of this sheep

Little fuzzy hogget
Dreaming of surviving Easter
In the cold and familiar night of the spirits
Chanting the compass of the earth

Saturday, 15 April 2017



1. to shove or crowd (someone) roughly
2. to move or cause to move hurriedly or furtively
3. (trans.) to deal with or cause to proceed hurriedly
4. (slang) to earn or obtain (something) forcefully
5. (US and Canadian) (slang) . (of procurers and prostitutes) to solicit
6. an instance of hustling
7. undue activity
8. a disco dance of the 1970s

Grey surface
Making hustle

All the more blatant

Friday, 14 April 2017



a person from one's own country

Now she was not a fool.
Thinking of the charge
Of a completely complex life
And diminutive compatriots
Conscious of a real crisis

And a portrait set to find her.

Thursday, 13 April 2017



1. a call, signal, or order to do something, especially to appear in person or attend at a specified place or time
2. a. an official order requiring a person to attend court, either to answer a charge or to give evidence
b. the writ making such an order
3. a call or command given to the members of an assembly to convene a meeting
4. to take out a summons against (a person)

Behold the children of conversation
Weak-faced and staring at their screen
Where physical interaction
Becomes a summons of death,
An apostrophe in the river of the heart.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017



any terrestrial or epiphytic plant of the family Orchidaceae, often having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colours, specialized for pollination by certain insects

Light streams in
Through the orchid forest
She likes to lose herself in
Tainting her world

With jungle fever

Tuesday, 11 April 2017



1. one of a group of French painters prominent from 1905, including Matisse, Vlaminck, and Derain, characterized by the use of bright colours and simplified forms
2. (often not capital) . of this group or its style

Bold poppy
All fauve

Monday, 10 April 2017



-plural noun (sometimes functioning as singular)
1. miscellaneous articles or equipment
2. (law) (formerly) . articles of personal property given to a married woman by her husband before or during marriage and regarded in law as her possessions over which she has some measure of control

You say junk
I say paraphernalia

(let’s call the whole thing off)

Sunday, 9 April 2017



1. a tropical Asian lauraceous tree, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, having aromatic yellowish-brown bark
2. the spice obtained from the bark of this tree, used for flavouring food and drink
3. (Saigon cinnamon) . an E Asian lauraceous tree, Cinnamomum loureirii, the bark of which is used as a cordial and to relieve flatulence
4. any of several similar or related trees or their bark
5. a light yellowish brown

Sly spices
Infesting mint
Cinnamon infused jus

Clever morsels

Saturday, 8 April 2017



1. suggestive of surrealism; dreamlike
2.  the surreal (the atmosphere or qualities evoked by surrealism)

Asthma is slowly deconstructing him
Misplacing pieces day after day
Of the master cat he once was
Drawing up a tragic surreal creature
That coughs and wheezes in the night

Friday, 7 April 2017



(informal) . a dilapidated old car

Old remnants
Ancient jalopy
Crumbling away


Thursday, 6 April 2017



1. an optical device consisting of a lens system set in a light-proof construction inside which a light-sensitive film or plate can be positioned
2. (television) the equipment used to convert the optical image of a scene into the corresponding electrical signals
4. a judge's private room

At the open day
Many phones flashing
And fancy cameras
Staring at treasures

Unseen by the eyes

Wednesday, 5 April 2017



1. the coloured muscular diaphragm that surrounds and controls the size of the pupil
2. any plant of the iridaceous genus Iris, having brightly coloured flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals
3. (Also called : rainbow quartz) . a form of quartz that reflects light polychromatically from internal fractures
4.  a rare or poetic word for rainbow
5. something resembling a rainbow; iridescence
6.  short for iris diaphragm (an adjustable diaphragm that regulates the amount of light entering an optical instrument, in particular a camera. It usually consists of a number of thin metal leaves arranged so that they open out into an approximately circular aperture)

1. the goddess of the rainbow along which she travelled to earth as a messenger of the gods

In her sepal cradle
Iris surges, dressed in quartz
Bearing a message of resistance

Nevertheless, she persists

Tuesday, 4 April 2017



(Scottish dialect) . a trouble or difficulty; a thing which causes worry

The current surge in fascism
Is beyond fishy
And serious fashery

Monday, 3 April 2017



the notion that the world can be improved by human effort

Sometimes the air is sweet
Its temperature just so
And it’s hard not to believe
That the world’s travails

Cannot succumb to meliorism

Sunday, 2 April 2017



1. a pear-shaped fruit having a leathery green or blackish skin, a large stony seed, and a greenish-yellow edible pulp
2. the tropical American lauraceous tree, Persea americana, that bears this fruit
3. a dull greenish colour resembling that of the fruit

Sneaky avocado
Parading as cream

(for your face or a treat)

Saturday, 1 April 2017



1. to solicit (business, customers, etc) or hawk (merchandise), especially in a brazen way
2. (intr.) to spy on racehorses being trained in order to obtain information for betting purposes
3. (intr.) to sell, or attempt to sell, such information or to take bets, especially in public places
4. (trans.) (informal) to recommend flatteringly or excessively
5. a person who spies on racehorses so as to obtain betting information to sell
6. a person who sells information obtained by such spying
7. a person who solicits business in a brazen way
8. Also called : ticket tout . a person who sells tickets unofficially for a heavily booked sporting event, concert, etc., at greatly inflated prices
9. (Northern Ireland) . a police informer

She has the technique
Down pat to perfection
Not shy to tout cuddles

For a moment with the brush