Sunday 19 October 2014



1. (British) a large container for milk
2. a vessel or machine in which cream or whole milk is vigorously agitated to produce butter
3. any similar device
4. the number of customers who switch from one supplier to another
5. to stir or agitate (milk or cream) in order to make butter
6. to make (butter) by this process
7. (sometimes followed by up) to move or cause to move with agitation
8. (of a bank, broker, etc.) to encourage an investor or policyholder to change investments, endowment policies, etc., 9. to increase commissions at the client's expense
10. (of a government) to pay benefits to a wide category of people and claw it back by taxation from the well off
11. to promote the turnover of existing subscribers leasing, and new subscribers joining, a cable television system or mobile phone company

Such delight
It would seem a shame
To churn it

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