1. advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another.
2. interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation; deliberation.
3. Law. (used with a singular or plural verb ) the advocate or advocates engaged in the direction of a cause in court; a legal adviser or counsellor
4. deliberate purpose; plan; design.
5. Theology. one of the advisory declarations of Christ, considered by some Christians as not universally binding but as given for aid in attaining moral perfection.
6. Archaic. a private or secret opinion or purpose.
7. Obsolete. wisdom; prudence.
–verb (used with object)
8. to give advice to; advise.
9. to urge the adoption of, as a course of action; recommend (a plan, policy, etc.).
–verb (used without object)
10.to give counsel or advice.
11.to get or take counsel or advice.
It's the stardust in our bones, calling out to the sky: Like children turning to their parents for counsel, we look for signs from the deep.
Westerlund picture taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory is used courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution
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