—noun1. ( Brit )
a. any of various cereal plants, especially the predominant crop of a region, such as wheat in England and oats in Scotland and Ireland
b. the seeds of such plants, especially after harvesting
c. a single seed of such plants; a grain
2. Also called: Indian corn , British equivalent: maize
a. a tall annual grass, Zea mays, cultivated for its yellow edible grains, which develop on a spike
b. sweet corn - the grain of this plant, used for food, fodder, and as a source of oil
3. a. the plants producing these kinds of grain considered as a growing crop
b. ( in combination ): a cornfield
4. short for corn whisky
5. slang an idea, song, etc, regarded as banal or sentimental
6. archaic , dialect or any hard particle or grain
—verb7. to feed (animals) with corn, especially oats
8. a. to preserve in brine
b. to salt
9. to plant corn on
—noun1. a hardening or thickening of the skin around a central point in the foot, caused by pressure or friction

Corn for the needy
Who bend to the earth
Corns on their feet.