–adj.1. of great weight; hard to lift or carry
2. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive.
3. of great force, intensity, turbulence, etc.
4. of more than the usual or average weight.
5. having much weight in proportion to bulk; being of high specific gravity.
6. of major import; grave; serious..
7. deep or intense; profound.
8. Military .
a. thickly armed or equipped with guns of large size..
b. (of guns) of the more powerful sizes: heavy weapons.
9. hard to bear; burdensome; harsh; oppressive.
10. hard to cope with; trying; difficult.
11. being as indicated to an unusually great degree.
12. broad, thick, or coarse; not delicate.
13. weighted or laden..
14. fraught; loaded; charged.
15. depressed with trouble or sorrow; showing sorrow; sad.
16. without vivacity or interest; ponderous; dull.
17. slow in movement or action; clumsy.
18. loud and deep; sonorous.
19. (of the sky) overcast or cloudy.
20. exceptionally dense in substance; insufficiently raised or leavened; thick.
21. (of food) not easily digested.
22. being in a state of advanced pregnancy; nearing childbirth.
23. having a large capacity, capable of doing rough work, or having a large output.
24. producing or refining basic materials, as steel or coal, used in manufacturing.
25. sober, serious, or sombre.
26. Chemistry . of or pertaining to an isotope of greater than normal atomic weight, as heavy hydrogen or heavy oxygen, or to a compound containing such an element, as heavy water.
27. Slang .
a. very good; excellent.
b. very serious or important.
28. Prosody . (of a syllable)
a. stressed.
b. long.
–noun 29. a sombre or ennobled theatrical role or character.
30. the theatrical role of a villain.
31. an actor who plays a theatrical heavy.
32. Military . a gun of great weight or large calibre.
33. Slang . a very important or influential person

Your dreams are so heavy
When you lock me out
Banging on their door
Asking to be let in
Or out.
The background picture is copyright of
Willow of Willow Manor, who has put it forth as a writing prompt.
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