–verb (used without object) 1. to play on a stringed instrument, as a guitar, by plucking the strings, especially in an idle, monotonous, or unskilled manner; strum.
2. to sound when thrummed on, as a guitar or similar stringed instrument.
3. to drum or tap idly with the fingers.
–verb (used with object) 4. to play (a stringed instrument, or a melody on it) by plucking the strings, especially in an idle, monotonous, or unskilled manner; strum.
5. to drum or tap idly on.
6. to recite or tell in a monotonous way.
–noun 7. an act or sound of thrumming; dull, monotonous sound.
noun 1. one of the ends of the warp threads in a loom, left unwoven and remaining attached to the loom when the web is cut off.
2. thrums, the row or fringe of such threads.
3. any short piece of waste thread or yarn; tuft, tassel, or fringe of threads, as at the edge of a piece of cloth.
4. Often, thrums. Nautical . short bits of rope yarn used for making mats.
–verb (used with object) 5. Nautical . to insert short pieces of rope yarn through (canvas) and thus give it a rough surface, as for wrapping about a part to prevent chafing.
6. to furnish or cover with thrums, ends of thread, or tufts.

Life unravelling
Tired thrums picking up dust
And experience.
Humming dull songs of routine
Vibrating with adventures.