–verb (used without object) 1. to undergo rapid combustion or consume fuel in such a way as to give off heat, gases, and, usually, light; be on fire.
2. (of a fireplace, furnace, etc.) to contain a fire.
3. to feel heat or a physiologically similar sensation; feel pain from or as if from a fire.
4. to give off light or to glow brightly.
5. to give off heat or be hot.
6. to produce pain or a stinging sensation similar to that of fire; cause to smart.
7. Games. to be extremely close to finding a concealed object or guessing an answer.
8. to feel extreme anger.
9. to feel strong emotion or passion.
a.to undergo combustion, either fast or slow; oxidize.
b.to undergo fission or fusion.
11.to become charred or overcooked by heat.
12.to receive a sunburn.
13.to be damned.
14.Slang. to die in an electric chair.
15.to be engraved by or as if by burning.
–verb (used with object) 16.to cause to undergo combustion or be consumed partly or wholly by fire.
17.to use as fuel or as a source of light.
18.to cause to feel the sensation of heat.
19.to overcook or char.
20.to sunburn.
21.to injure, endanger, or damage with or as if with fire
22.to execute by burning.
23.to subject to fire or treat with heat as a process of manufacturing.
24.to produce with or as if with fire.
25.to cause sharp pain or a stinging sensation.
26.to consume rapidly, esp. to squander.
27.Slang. to suffer losses or be disillusioned in business or social relationships.
28.Slang. to cheat or rob.
29.to record data on (a CD or DVD).
30.Chemistry. to cause to undergo combustion; oxidize.
31.to damage through excessive friction, as in grinding or machining; scorch.
32.Metallurgy. to oxidize (a steel ingot), as with a flame.
33.British. to scald (a wine, esp. sherry) in an iron container over a fire.
34.Cards. to put (a played or rejected card) face up at the bottom of the pack.
35.Slang. to disclose the identity of (an undercover agent, law officer, etc.) e.
–noun 36.a burned place or area: a burn where fire had ripped through the forest.
37.Pathology. An injury usually caused by heat but also by abnormal cold, chemicals, poison gas, electricity, or lightning, and characterized by a painful reddening and swelling of the epidermis (first-degree burn), damage extending into the dermis, usually with blistering (second-degree burn), or destruction of the epidermis and dermis extending into the deeper tissue with loss of pain receptors (third-degree burn).
38.the firing of a rocket engine.
39.the process or an instance of burning or baking, as in brick-making.
40.a forest or brush fire.
41.Slang. a swindle.

They say Love can burn,
Do not surf high on those clouds:
Love does burn your flesh
-In truth Love will eat souls too-
Venus sings the blues for you.
Picture of Venus courtesy of ESA/VIRTIS/INAF-IASF/Obs. de Paris-LESIA
This post is dedicated to the elves at
Qikipedia who came out with the fact that the clouds on Venus were made of sulphuric acid (twitter for 3rd April), thus sparking something in the dark corners of my mind.