verb1. intr.
a. Of a cat or another feline animal: to make a low, continuous, vibratory sound taken to be expressive of satisfaction or pleasure.
b. Of a non-feline animal: to utter a sound resembling a cat's purr.
2. intr. In extended use.
a. Of a thing: to make a sound resembling a cat's purr, as that caused by rapid vibrations, boiling or bubbling liquid, the working of an engine, etc.
b. Of a person: to express chiefly pleasure or satisfaction by low, murmuring sounds; to speak in a low, soft voice, esp. seductively. Also: to behave in a self-satisfied or seductive manner.
3. trans.
To utter or express by purring; to say in a low, soft voice.

I knew my dieting days were over
When I started to notice
Wicked chocolate bonbons purring at me.